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21 Day Detox & Glow is a loose herbal drink formulated to help your body detox without the harsh ingredients making you sit on the loo all day. 21 Day Detox & Glow tea will help you feel lighter,boost energies,cleanse your body ,give you the glow from within and the rest is for you to find out!


Benefits: Feeling lighter , possible weight loss , better skin and hair, boosted energy , less cravings or no more cravings. This can be drank monthly as part of your detox routine.


25g - 7 days trial

50g - 15 days supply based on drinking twice a day.

200g - 2 months supply based on drinking twice a day.

500g - 5 months supply based on drinking twice a day.


If you want to see a difference with weight, we highly recommend limiting the amount of processed foods you consume as well as sugars/artificial sugars - dairy - carbohydrates - fried foods. Consuming too much of these will not only have an effect on your body but will also slow down the herbs from working. 


Remember to drink as much warm water as you can during the day. To really see your difference, we recommend taking before and after photos/videos, your weight as well as skin , hair and nails!   


Monaive Herbal Promise:

100% natural

Premium quality & organic ingredients

VEGAN, always

100% natural product. Without GMO.


Dandelion Root:  Dandelion Root is amazing for boosting your energy levels and with its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and liver cleansing properties, dandelion is excellent for detoxification and removing harmful chemicals from the body. Overall this is a power packed herb which we absolutely love.


Nettle: Nettle a superior tonic herb, it is rich in iron,calcium,potassium,silicon, magnesium, manganese,zinc, and chromium, as well as a host of other vitamins and minerals. Nettle is a powerful herb which helps to flush the toxins out of the body.


Ginger Root: Ginger is a natural energy booster and can give you the kick you’re looking for by helping to improve blood circulation and balance blood sugars.


Red Clover: Red Clover is one of the best detoxification herbs and respiratory tonics. It is also rich in minerals,most notably calcium, nitrogen, and iron.


Marshmallow Root: Marshmallow Root is a soothing herb, it helps to soothe and heal anything that is irritated and inflamed. Marshmallow Root is also amazing for soothing sore throats and heart burn.


Cascara Sagrada: Cascara Sagrada is amazing at flushing out toxins from the colon, it is a popular herb to use when it comes to detoxing. We also have not packaged the tea with a lot of Cascara Sagrada, which means you won’t be feeling the need to sit on the loo all day long. We believe in gentle cleansing.


Burdock Root: Burdock Root is a powerhouse herb, it helps with all the body, hair, skin,nails, hormones, kidneys, liver, colon, honestly the list the can go on.



Infuse 1 teaspoon of loose tea in 1 cup of hot water (ideally filtered water ) for 15 - 20 minutes. 

Strain the herbs and enjoy! 

Drink 2 - 3 times a day and remember to drink plenty of warm water throughout the day to help flush out the toxins from the body. 

Add a little honey if the taste is bitter for you.

Some herbs do take some time to take affect, remember consistency is key!


All ingredient information should be researched prior to purchase by the buyer.  Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Any information given is my own opinion and is not intended to represent or replace the advice of a medical professional or physician.  Discontinue if an allergic reaction happens, redness or irritation and consult a doctor.  




Do not take if you have or are taking ( please check with the DR if you can drink the tea along side your medication) :

High blood pressure 

Pregnant - Red Clover should be avoided 

Blood thinning medication

Diabetes medication 




21 Days Detox & Glow Tea

  • Monaive Herbal is not responsible for the improper use, reactions, or results of how you use this product.

    Please consult your doctor or health care provider for any possible contraindications and/or interactions with current medications, if you are pregnant or are breastfeeding. Always inform your healthcare provider if you are taking any herbal remedies or supplements.

    Use this product at your own risk. By purchasing this product you acknowledge these policies. 

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